Machine Learning / AI Reading List

Common Errors in Machine Learning due to Poor Statistics Knowledge

You can learn by doing, or you can learn from someone else’s mistakes. This is the case of the later. Certainly useful to avoid the same mistakes.

Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning

This one is pretty heavy read. But if you’re into Martin Fowler’s stuff, you know they are ‘the standard’. This one covers what it takes to apply continuous delivery in machine learning model. The CD for machine learning have similarities to software’s CD, but there are few keys differences as well.

Introduction to Machine Learning in C# with ML.NET

If you want to start learning Machine Learning but don’t know where to start, ML.NET is a good starter. With familiarity of C# and .NET, you could pick up ML.NET fairly quickly. This goes into details on how to get started with ML.NET, even covers Auto-ML!

Identify guiding principles for responsible AI in your business

Everyone thinks AI is cool, futuristic and can solve _almost_ all the problems. But not many think about the consequences, side effects and what it would take to build it right. In another word, a responsible AI. This mini-course go over what we need to consider in building AI.

Multiprocessing vs. Threading in Python: What Every Data Scientist Needs to Know

I like how Sumit gives intro to parallel computing, specifically multi processes vs threading, before he went dive into how it’s applicable in Python for modeling. Worth read even if you skip the Python part.

Tuesday Reading List

5 questions everyone should ask about microservices

Thinking about building microservices architecture? Or plan to break your currently monolith application into microservices? These are definitely the 5 questions you want to get answers before you start microservices journey.

Boost 10x UI development productivity with SDD

SDD, what? This is something new to me. It’s Showcase Driven Development. Mostly for UI to help with designing and building UI, promote early testing in UI as well as collaboration between designer, developer and testers. Pretty cool concept.

Our team’s troubles with hand-written automated UI tests

Everyone is probably going to agree with you when you say automatic UI testing is imperative. But, it comes with challenges. Steven laid out questions and considerations you ought to think about when writing UI testing. They key is: right balance (don’t over do it) and fill out the test pyramid.

Advanced versioning in ASP.Net Core Web API

Every API endpoint needs a version and ASP.Net Core makes it easy to add one. Read this guideline on how to use versioning in ASP.Net Core Web API.
The kinda-bad thing is, you have to create a free account or login, in order to read the full article.

The Dataflow Pattern in .NET

A refresher on how Dataflow pattern works. Dataflow pattern is used in Task parallel library in .NET and dataflow programming is the concept behind functional programming. It’s a different approach to well-known object oriented programming where data is at rest. In functional programming, data is the one moving, which makes state sorta-obsolete.

Sunday Reading List

gRPC + ASP.NET Core as a Migration Path for WCFs in .NET Core

It was fun while it lasts, now with .NET Core development ramping up, WCF and its services library have slowly become technical debt. This articles a guideline to migrate to ASP.NET Web API and gRPC..

System memory health check for ASP.NET Core

If you’re already deploying your application to Azure App Services, you’re familiar with memory health check that comes with it for free. But, let’s say for some reason you need to deploy to other services, like containers or VMs, this article will walk through how to implement memory health check in ASP.NET Core application.

Logging in C# .NET Modern-day Practices: The Complete Guide

A truly complete and comprehensive guide to logging in C# / .NET. Michael walks us through from target types, structured logging, frameworks and best practices around logging. The three frameworks discussed are: Serilog, NLog and log4net. I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking we have too many loggin options in .NET!

Developers: This cute 8-bit RPG game wants to teach you new coding skills

What’s the best way to teach developer your API? Create a game, of course! Twilio does just that. It’s pretty good game too!

What exactly is Kubernetes?

For Container / Kubernetes beginner, this is a really good article to get your started. It covers the basic of Kubernetes, all different parts of Kubernetes, what Kubernetes is NOT and how it actually works.

.NET Readings

Roundup #53: .NET Core 3 Preview 9, Improved NuGet Search, Prefer ValueTask to Task, .NET Core API Performance

.NET Core 3 is getting closer! Want to know what’s new in Preview 9?

Navigating the .NET Ecosystem

In the spirit of .NET Core 3, it’s good to learn how we get here. This post covers past, present and future of .NET. And with that, C# and .NET Foundation as well!

New in ASP.NET Core 3: Service provider validation

Still about .NET Core 3 … I’m pretty sure everyone has come across situation where you deploy your app and find out you forgot to register one of the dependency in the IoC container. Well, with .NET Core 3, you can avoid this.

What’s new in Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8

With all the things going on in .NET Core development, let’s not forget about .Net Framework! Well, what’s new? Couple BCL stuff, fix on CLR issues, hashing algorithm, WPF and WCF stuff, many more.

Use Performance Counters in .NET to measure Memory, CPU, and Everything – Full Guide

I personally am dealing with memory issue in .Net Core application that we built. Michael laid it out on how you could user counters to measure not just memory, but CPU and everything in between.

Reading List

How Microservices Architecture Impacted the Culture of Software Development

Most people do microservice because it’s a new buzzword! But, there’s actually reason behind it and it will improve your team dynamic.

Why I love Trunk Based Development (or pushing straight to master)

Mattia made an argument why it makes sense for the whole team to push straight to `master`. The key is having the right people in the team. He has good points, most I agree, some I disagree with. What’s your take?

Async Await C#

Basic yet comprehensive article on `async` `await` in C#. Worth reading for beginners and expert alike if you want to brush up on `async` `await`.

You don’t need ordered delivery blog posts in general are really good, high quality. This _particular_ post, however, gives a different perspective of how messaging queues are delivered. Often time we think it needs to be ordered. Well, maybe we should think again.

Messaging Practices

I never thought there’s such things as good practices in messaging queue. After reading this, I think it makes sense to have one. When you have to deliver large number of events, good practices make big differences.

Almost-Weekend Reading List

What Is a Pure Function?

That’s exactly what the title says, this article explains what a pure function is. There are 2 things that define a pure function. One of them is the function always returns the same value for the same inputs. I’ll let you read the other from the blog.

The Cloud-native Azure Application Architect Map

If you are confused with Azure services offering because there are too many of them, you’re not alone. The way-too-many-services always lead to analysis paralysis of what to use for your project. This architecture map should help you decide.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Continuous Deployment on Kubernetes

`Dockerfile`, `docker-compose.yaml` file, Kubernete manifest file… ever confused on how to do CI/CD on Kubernetes exactly? Tomas will walk you through his experience.

Research Paper Week: Automatic Indexing in Azure SQL DB

This one is a heavy read, could probably be your help-me-sleep reading list. The research is about how Azure automatically perform indexing in Azure SQL database. Today, Azure already has a lot of automatic recommendation on how to increase your Azure SQL performance. This one takes a step further but automatically applying the recommendation and if it’s not working as intended, roll it back. Pretty cool idea!

Avoid multithreading traps with Roslyn: Lock object selection

What NOT to lock when multithreading? Well, here’s the list.